Ici, et on agit contre le bridage de la 3g+ chez Orange, afin que la situation soit régularisée pour tous les forfaits (origami / m6 mobile / zap / Orange pour iPhone) qui sont censés avoir accès au haut débit mobile, ainsi que pour tous les mobiles 3g+.
Vous n'êtes pas identifié.
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Class action contre Apple et ATT pour mauvaise performance de l'iPhone en 3G et du réseau 3G d'ATT : beaucoup trop d'iPhone à problèmes 3G sur un réseau 3G d'ATT disposant de trop peu de ressources réseau 3G
http://www.palluxo.com/2008/09/03/willi … le-an-att/
A San Diego-based Apple customer, William J. Gillis Jr, has filed a class-action lawsuit against the Cupertino-based Company and AT&T Inc., alleging that both companies over-saturated 3G networks with “flawed” devices. The 18 page complaint relies heavily on Apple rumors and the public statements by the two companies.
“Apple Computer Inc., … and AT&T have misrepresented the speed, strength and performance of the 3G-bandwidth network,” - the complaint alleges.
The Plaintiff asks for an injunction forcing Apple and AT&T to tell the public about the iPhone’s true capabilities, including an award of punitive damages to “deter and punish,” as well as “compensatory damages from the company’s ill-gotten gains.” Gillis alleges that both Apple and AT&T willingly misled customers about the 3G speed, when in many cases AT&T’s network automatically downgrades users down to the EDGE-based 2G network even in areas where 3G coverage is guaranteed.
Dernière modification par DanBa (04-09-2008 19:45:55)
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Encore une plainte aux US (3è plainte) contre Apple et ATT pour publicité mensongère sur le débit de l'iPhone 3G et aussi pour la fiabilité des logiciels :
http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/08 … _bugs.html
Now seemingly popping out of the woodwork, a spate of lawsuits accusing Apple and AT&T of misleading over iPhone 3G's data speeds have been joined by a New Jersey class action filing that also questions app reliability.
Like that plaintiff, Tanseco asserts that he and many other buyers were deceived into buying an iPhone 3G expecting the "twice as fast" Internet performance advertised by Apple and AT&T, only to find himself rarely connecting to the 3G network and often experiencing service drops. Many of these followed the same pseudo-random behavior that occurs no matter how strong AT&T's 3G coverage might be.
"Unfortunately, even when [he] was able to connect via the 3G protocol... even while remaining in the same physical location, [his] call or data transmission was dropped from the 3G protocol to the much slower EDGE protocol," the lawsuit explains.
Relying in part on "online blogs'" reports on the drops as proof, Tanseco and his legal team believe Apple and AT&T violated New Jersey's Consumer Fraud Act, its Uniform Commercial Code and the terms of its contract by advertising service they at some point knew they couldn't maintain.
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ATT vient d’admettre de faire une bourde :
http://www.macworld.co.uk/ipod-itunes/n … llchandate
AT&T chief admits iPhone 3G blunders
AT&T experienced higher demand for 3G than it expected.
AT&T chief technology officer John Donovan last week confirmed the US carrier had been unprepared for the US success of the iPhone 3G.
Speaking at the Goldman Sachs technology conference last week, Donovan admitted that the network had seen demand for 3G services in some areas exceed expectation to the point AT&T was forced to build up capacity.
Universities that bought iPhones and developed applications for students were among the groups that created zones of high demand, he admitted.
Problems in the provision of 3G coverage have caused controversy and comment in the US, with some customers recently filling lawsuits against Apple and AT&T saying the 3G network is overloaded and unable to deliver the level of performance the partners promise within local iPhone advertising.
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On ne peut pas dire qu'ATT soit des mickeys techniquement mais ils ont sous dimensionner leur réseau.
Et les amis d'Orange qui ont surveillé le démarrage ATT/3G en ont tiré les conséquences, on restreint et on voit ce qui arrive.
Le truc c'est que TOUS les utilisateurs de SmartPhone, iphone, htc and co, sont maintenant dans la panade.
Ca me rappelle de début de l'ADSL avec des bridages à 128 ou 512Kb/s
Ah si le monde de la téléphonie mobile était, enfin, réveillé par le trublion de l'ADSL.
Gardons espoir !
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Encore une Class Action contre l'opérateur ATT et Apple : entre autres, infrastructure ATT insuffisante pour supporter un nombre important d'iPhones 3G
http://docs.justia.com/cases/federal/di … /284573/1/
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